Company Description
Cuddles and Cream Lactation, Yakima, Central Washington, IBCLC, Lactation
Consultant, breastfeeding classes & support groups. Helping with difficult
latch engorgement, sore nipples & low milk supply. Breast pump & bili
blanket rentals. We weigh the baby before and after breast feedings.
Lactation care, babies with tongue ties, post release care. Our
Creamatocrit Plus will analyze human milk.
Photos & Videos
Products & Services
Difficult Latch Engorgement , Bili Blanket Rentals , Post-Release Care , Consultations , Breastfeeding Classes & Support Groups , Lactation Consultant , Breast Pump Rentals , Weighing Baby Before and After Breastfeeding , Book Now , Contact Us , Testimonials , Lactation Care for Babies with Tongue Ties , Low Milk Supply , Sore Nipples