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Company Description

The WJH Facebook page is strictly for disseminating information to our students, staff, friends, and community. We ask that you refrain from posting comments that are off-topic, profane, abusive, defamatory, or contain false information will be removed. Thank you for your understanding.

Please visit us at https://www.wahluke.net/ For more information about our social media guidelines.

The Wahluke Junior High School is part of the Wahluke School District in Mattawa WA. We have a lot to be excited about in Wahluke Junior High School!

Principal: Amy Johnson
Vice Principal: John Muchlinski
Counselors: Deisi Gonzalez, Evelia Gonzalez, Perla Duran

#GoWarriors #CourageUp
La página de Facebook de WJH es estrictamente para difundir información a nuestros estudiantes, personal, amigos y comunidad. Le pedimos que se abstenga de publicar comentarios fuera de tema, profanos, abusivos, difamatorios o que contengan información falsa. Gracias por su comprensión.

Visítenos en https://www.wahluke.net/ Para obtener más información sobre nuestras pautas de redes sociales.

La escuela secundaria Wahluke es parte del distrito escolar de Wahluke en Mattawa WA. ¡Tenemos mucho por lo que estar emocionados en Wahluke Junior High School!

Director: Amy Johnson
Subdirector: John Muchlinski
Consejeras: Deisi Gonzalez, Evelia Gonzalez, Perla Duran


Photos & Videos

(click images to enlarge)
25 photos

Products & Services

#GoWarriors ,   Counselors: Deisi Gonzalez, Evelia Gonzalez, Perla Duran ,   #CourageUp ,   Principal: Amy Johnson ,   Subdirector: John Muchlinski ,   Director: Amy Johnson ,   #VamosWarriors  

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Wahluke Junior High

502 Boundary Ave Mattawa, WA
(509) 932-4455

Open Hours

  • Monday07:00AM - 04:00PM
  • Tuesday07:00AM - 04:00PM
  • Wednesday07:00AM - 04:00PM
  • Thursday07:00AM - 04:00PM
  • Friday07:00AM - 04:00PM
  • Sat, SunClosed