Company Description
Breakthrough Church // We Exist To Connect You To Life In Jesus Christ
As a Church we believe God is so passionate about each one of us
He is bigger, better and closer than we could imagine.
The Bible is the perfect guidebook for living life.
Jesus is God clothing Himself in humanity so we can see Him.
God lives in and through us now by the Holy Spirit and wants us to be filled and overflowing with His presence.
Nothing we see around us is an accident. God created it all.
We could never do enough good things to have a relationship with God. Grace is the only way to step into a relationship with Him.
Trusting and relying solely upon God is the only way we grow in our relationship with Him.
With God we win, all other options lead to failure. God has allowed hate to provide us with two choices. If we choose God, He can bring good even out of hateful events and He tells us in the Bible that there is victory for those who choose Him. The other option isn’t so good.
Death is a beginning, not an end. The beginning of the rest of your life will be in one of two very real places, heaven or hell.
The church is God’s family and He wants the church to do as He did, to serve people just as He did.
Jesus is very real and He is coming back!
Photos & Videos
Products & Services
Bible As A Guidebook For Living Life , Get Baptized , Media , Connect You To Life In Jesus Christ , Jesus As God Clothing Himself In Humanity , God's Presence In And Through Us , Trusting And Relying Solely Upon God , Death As A Beginning Not An End , The Church As God's Family , Connect Groups , Grace As The Only Way To Relationship With God , With God We Win , Sunday service , Nothing Around Us Is An Accident
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Frequently asked questions about Breakthrough Church
What days are Breakthrough Church open?
Breakthrough Church is open Sunday.

Breakthrough Church
Open Hours
- Sunday09:30AM - 12:30PM
- Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, SatClosed